Kartini’s Day
By Audy & Fathia from Grade 8.1
On the 21st of April, we used to celebrate the Kartini’s Day every year.
But have we know about the Kartini’s day itself?
Kartini’s Day was made to celebrate her effort for the woman’s independence. But why shall we celebrate a day which is addressed to her?
We surely have to celebrate Kartini’s day, because her effort was very important for women. Can we imagine if she didn’t sacrifice anything that she had for us in the past? Perhaps, woman nowadays would never been respected by anyone, especially in Indonesia. She shows the world that a woman cannot be derisived. She also appeared that woman is also strong, intelligent and multitalent.
There are lots of benefit in celebrating Kartini’s Day. What are those?
Celebrating it surely would improve our creativity and also knowledges. Budi Luhur Junior High School obviously wants the students to be smart and active. Not only in academic, but also in talents. That’s why Budi Luhur held so many events and also competitions in Kartini’s day. There are lots of thing we can join of and everything was all fun. Those are ArrangingwsFruit, Making Juice, Traditional Costume, and there are also entertaining things such as band and Saman Dance Performance from Dance Crew.
We are glad when Budi Luhur at least actively celebrate a day like this. Celebrating Kartini’s Day exactly brings positive influence for Indonesian young generation like us. This make us won’t forget the attemps of heroes for sovereignty of Indonesia in any sides.

This is a picture of dance crew which performed the Saman dance on Tuesday 21st April 2015. They are gorgeous really pretty too!